October 2023

October 2023

Ruth continues to remain dedicated to her school work and spends much of her free time studying:

Nevertheless she found time to host a get together with youth from her church. It’s nice to see the girls having friends over, which makes it seem more like a home rather than a ministry house. Ruth oftentimes must attend medical school activities at school on Sundays, which makes it difficult to go to church on Sunday mornings, so she decided to attend the evening services at Regina’s church when necessary. Please keep her in your prayers as she gets accustomed to the social pressures and environment of a secular university.

Helen still loves her gastronomy classes and her high school classes as well. She hates to miss a day or any extracurricular activity on the weekend. In addition to meeting new people at school, Helen has stayed in touch with the girls at Talita Cumi. Recently she showed up for a 15th birthday celebration at the children’s home. She is below, second from the left. Please pray that Helen would finish strong with her studies, which end next month.