March 2023

March 2023

Ruth is fully moved into La Casa de Rut (Ruth’s House) and has hit the ground running. As I mentioned in my last update, she is pursuing a career in the medical field, so she’s been busy studying for her entrance exams. She already took one exam and she has another coming up this Thursday. Please pray for her as the exams are very difficult and the content is quite unpredictable. 

Ruth attended a church camp over the Carnival holiday and had a wonderful time. In this picture she’s standing (left) next to the young lady who leads the young adults’ group at the church:

Below she is pictured with Nadja, a German volunteer at the children’s home where Ruth used to live. The two of them have become fast friends:

A couple of weeks ago, Nicol moved out of Ruth’s House to pursue a more independent lifestyle. My greatest concern was for her safety so it was an answer to prayer that she moved into her own room at Dina’s house. Dina used to work at the children’s home Talita Cumi where Nicol grew up, so the two of them already knew each other. Please pray for Nicol as she learns how to live on her own and manage her own work schedule. Please pray that the Lord would lead her to a church community too.